Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hell-ywood and TRAFFIC.

For those who were in Hollywood tonight, you know what I'm talking about! Tonight, an event celebrating "Dias de los Muertos" took place at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery where masses of people dressed their part as skeletons, ghouls, and more to honor the dead. Not only did they contribute in visiting numbers, but also as a hindrance: road blocks, traffic-buildups, you name it. Sadly, I was stuck in this muck for a good 45 minutes just getting from one block to another. Traffic was so thick that I could pull out my cellphone and take a picture of it and on top of that, send it to my parents complaining about it. Did I really? YOU BET!
Please excuse the horrible picture quality; for it was taken by a non-smart phone. It's hard to tell, but in the picture, the car in front of me was unable to go at a GREEN light because the Joe Schmoe in the other car, who lacked common sense and road manners, chose to block traffic, by going through a RED light. Apparently, this DDLM festivity really was the must-see, rapido, screw-traffic-rules event! Once I finally broke through "Mullholland LOCO" corner, my unfortunate road trip wasn't over yet! I went through the crosswalk to get on the freeway during MY light, but there were people beginning to cross it. As flustered as I was, I was already through and said silent apologies within the car to the crosswalkers. However, one of them didn't take to kindly to my action and beat my rear window with his full 2-liter soda bottle. Then the next hour and a half continued with crazy road-rage people lane-jumping on the 101 freeway. Ahh, that's the hustle and bustle of Tinseltown for ya!

P.S. I had just looked up the cultural event on the cemetery's website and this tidbit of info would've helped A LOT this evening.


  1. I went there and boy is traffic a beach! we found parking about a mile away and had to walk all the way back then wait in a line to get in. It was soo frustrating but you have to admit it was totally worth it!

  2. Lol I wish I could Lourdes, but I wasn't there for the celebration; just trying to get home. How was it though? :]

  3. It was amazing! I try to go every year it really feels like you get to live in one of Tim Burtons films for the night.
